Saturday, September 5, 2009


I heard an absolutely cracking tune on the radio the other night on my way to five a side. It was by Tthe Noisettes and it's called, Never Forget You.

It's fantastic.

I love it but there's a part of it that I was sure I had heard before.

It's this "Alway's remember me!" bit.

What was it? I Youtubed the video and ploughed through all the comments. Nothing. The closest was some guy saying ti sounded like something he'd heard in the 60s.

I listened and listened and then tried singing different stuff over the top of it.

"If you're without him."

"When it's without you."

"When you're without him."

"When you're without her."

"When you're without love!"

Ahh, something clicked that that last line was off a song I like. I Googled the lyrics but didn't have much look until I finally got there...

Am I right? Or is it just me hearing this?

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