Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Video Blog

I had a go at this tonight.

I whacked the new LG GT505 mobile on to record and sat down and talked at it...ooh for all of 4 seconds before I thought this is just mental, what am I doing?

The question is how do you get over these video blog apprehensions? Thoughts like, I look a tit, my voice sounds far too deep, I will just get slated on Youtube etc etc. run through your head.

Now I've seen Glen and Jamie (who'll you find in the followers list) do some great video blogs in the past but not for a long while. I guess for similar reasons guys?

Anyway, I have lots of ideas for individual video blogs but cracking on and doing it is tougher than first imagined.

But i shall prevail.

Also on to some technical stuff.

I've got a Kodak HD Zi6 camcorder which i want to film my blogs on, but it pretty much kills my PC when playing any clips I've filmed. Does anyone know a way round this? I tried filming off my mobile tonight, but it looked shocking compared to the HD cam, I've been spoilt.


  1. Yea, Video blogging is hard. Stick at it for a bit to see if it works for you.

    Me, I was just too lazy to continue.

  2. I found that whenever I did a video log (vlog), I cut more out than what I left in. And when I finally did an "outtakes" version, it became infinitely more popular than the rest of the video blogs.

    They take too long to "do", as in setting up the camera, loading the software, scripting what you're going to say, actually recording the thing, editing out all of the feckups, watching the completed versions, adding the fancy bits (into gfx, music), watching it again, uploading to youtube, waiting for it to verify, before finally realising that nobody past the end of your street can understand your accent.

    Should a "vlog" require editing in the future, it can't be done.

    With a text blog, you can simply type things and delete and add as necessary without the need for extra software or lengthy upload procedures, and can be edited at any time. It is instantly available to anyone around the world, and it is easy to hide the fact you're completely pissed whilst typing a blog post or comment, as long as you can hold your typing togetherer.

    Video logs... not for the faint hearted. That's just my thoughts though!
