Thursday, October 8, 2009

Haynes Arms

I went for tea at the Haynes Arms the other night. Now, beforehand I left a status on Facebook and a guy commented saying how amazing the parmos where. So, as I tend to do, I Googled "Haynes-Arms Parmo".

About 6 or 7 results down was, lo and behold, a Burnley Wallet page. Now, for the uninitiated, this was the old blog that me, my brother and our mate Keith used to run and this result is during mid to late 2005 when the Wallet was at it's peak.

I had a read through and it brought back some amazing memories and some huge laugh out loud moments. Cracking stuff. A particular favourite of mine was the night out that ended with a an old school mate pretending to be a Canadian Ice Hockey player whilst Keith acted as his bodyguard! I don't know why, it's just so random it cracked me up!

Here you go.

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