Friday, January 15, 2010

Somebody ticked funny

I was going to review Avatar on here but do you know what its 9pm and Big Brother's on.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

CoD Modern Warfare 2: Killstreak Code

Me and a colleague from work have been having a bit of a giggle over naming our visits to the toilet at work after the killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2. You know, "Jesus Mike, I can feel a Tactical Nuke coming on!!"

How sad? Sad enough for to share them with you guys...


Identifying someone in the office as going for a dump.

Care Package

Dropping a solitary log.

Counter UAV

Being identified as going or having gone for a dump.

Sentry Gun

Managing to splash the back of the pan in a 180 degreee fashion.

Predator Missile

Like a care package but with much more force and urgency.

Precision Airstrike

Letting go of a well timed, pre-planned laser guided shite smack bang in the middle of the bog.

Harrier Strike

Two loud ones followed by a bit of a runny splatter whilst hovering above the seat.

Attack Helicopter

Usually whilst ill. A forceful bout of diarrhea.

Emergency Airdrop

The clue's in the name.

Chopper Gunner

Like the Attack Helicopter but bigger chunks coming out a faster rate and much more dangerous.

Stealth Bomber

Having a shite without anyone knowing and leaving zero evidence.


Taking A Crap at 1.30pm.


Having a shite and someone turns the light out. Bastards.

Tactical Nuke

This is the big one, having a shite so big that no one dare venture in for fear of radiation poisoning. Lethal to all but you.

There we are, nice bit of toilet humour for you all.