Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My All Time Favourite Song - Part 1

This debate got going last night back at my friends Robbie's house and when I was asked what my all time favourite song was, it stumped me.

What is my all time favourite song? I literally don't have one!! I like so many songs but I don't have one that stands out above all the others. Or do I?

What better excuse then to do some blogging and analyse my favourite songs.

Robbie's answer was, quite unbelievably, this...

And Keith's was, yes, you've guessed it, Status Quo...

...neither of which I am particularly fond of.

I couldn't have even told you who sang the Vandross song above until last night and the Quo song is well, just what it is, an overly simple party song that, whilst it gets me out of my seat, it doesn't say or mean anything to me emotionally. Whereas to Keith, he associates it with a particularly happy time - Boro lifting the Carling Cup all those years ago.

More on this very soon.

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