Monday, September 28, 2009

Music Monday

To steal an idea from my brother Pete's blog and to link in to Twitter's Music Monday, Monday's are going to have a musical theme on this here blog. Be it just a song / video, a classic live performance, an anecdotal story of rock excess or an interesting "didn't know that!"

For example, La Roux is June Ackland off The Bill's daughter. I didn't know that!

Anyway, let's kick off with a great tune from who else but my all time favourites, The Who. This is Who Are You.

The song was written by Pete Townshend after a night on the lash depressed and feeling like he had sold out. He ended up bumping into some of the Sex Pistols, who had made a comment about the Who in a TV interview, at the Speakeasy in London. Townshend, blind drunk, got in their faces screaming, "Who are ya?!"

This video was filmed at Shepperton Studios especially for the "The Kids Are Alright" documentary not long before Keith Moon's death in 1978. Moon was in a pretty bad way having recently come back from his Los Angeles home after some unbelievable drug and alcohol abuse. It seemed this day he was just in mischievous, show off moods. Apparently, once the filming was over, he played a drum solo that John Entwistle described as "...just fucking phenomenal!". Judging by his playing here, I can't imagine it was anything but.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Derren Brown

As soon as I saw this...

Subliminal image flashed up for 1 frame by Derren Brown just ... on Twitpic

...pop up before the hypnotic video started I knew it was going to be a let down. I didn't get stuck.

Sheff Wed vs. Middlesbrough

On Tuesday the 15th, me and good friends Keith, Chris and Rob took a trip down to Sheffield for Middlesbrough's away game.

It was fantastic! We enjoyed the great pubs, a gourmet burger, plenty of beer, Rob doing chin ups on a grab-rail on a tram, a great game of pool and some truly appalling Hillsborough disaster comments/songs. Best of all though was the 3-1 victory for Middlesbrough!

Actually no, best of all was raving in the back seat of the car on the way home with Rob to songs like this...

On third thought the very best thing was writing poor Rob's mobile number on the back of a betting coupon and asking him to put it in the gents. I still don't think he clicked on that it was his number!

Photo evidence...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Where Have I Been?

I've been up to all sorts lately hence the lack of blog posts.

I've been...

Minding my brother's dog for the past seven days whilst they were on holiday; spending a belter of a day in Sheffield for the recent Boro game; enjoying a few nights out with the gang and working far too hard.

I'll try and get some blogging done on the above plus some good stuff about my new phone and of course Derren Brown who has been pretty much the only thing talked about at work for the past week.

If I can get out of my chair tonight, I'll try and blog my experience of being stuck to it!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I heard an absolutely cracking tune on the radio the other night on my way to five a side. It was by Tthe Noisettes and it's called, Never Forget You.

It's fantastic.

I love it but there's a part of it that I was sure I had heard before.

It's this "Alway's remember me!" bit.

What was it? I Youtubed the video and ploughed through all the comments. Nothing. The closest was some guy saying ti sounded like something he'd heard in the 60s.

I listened and listened and then tried singing different stuff over the top of it.

"If you're without him."

"When it's without you."

"When you're without him."

"When you're without her."

"When you're without love!"

Ahh, something clicked that that last line was off a song I like. I Googled the lyrics but didn't have much look until I finally got there...

Am I right? Or is it just me hearing this?

Back to the Future 3

You know in Back to the Future 3, Marty takes that picture of the gravestone with the Doc's name on it right? Then it changes to Clint Eastwood after he accepts Buford's challenge to a showdown on the morning before they go back to 1985.

Well this has always bothered me you see.

After they have the gun fight and Marty does his naff 'Man with no name' impressions, he cracks Buford's head through it, how come the picture of the gravestone changes to just a picture of nothing? You know the gravestone disappears?

All I'm saying is that the grave plot would have been used by some other dead person wouldn't it?

Thought's please.

Don't even get me started on BTTF 2.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Horsing About

Sunday's Bank Holiday night out not only saw me turned away from The Arena for having no ID but also doing a ridiculous horse impression...

A Horse Outside Binns from Peter Heaney on Vimeo.

A Video Blog

I had a go at this tonight.

I whacked the new LG GT505 mobile on to record and sat down and talked at it...ooh for all of 4 seconds before I thought this is just mental, what am I doing?

The question is how do you get over these video blog apprehensions? Thoughts like, I look a tit, my voice sounds far too deep, I will just get slated on Youtube etc etc. run through your head.

Now I've seen Glen and Jamie (who'll you find in the followers list) do some great video blogs in the past but not for a long while. I guess for similar reasons guys?

Anyway, I have lots of ideas for individual video blogs but cracking on and doing it is tougher than first imagined.

But i shall prevail.

Also on to some technical stuff.

I've got a Kodak HD Zi6 camcorder which i want to film my blogs on, but it pretty much kills my PC when playing any clips I've filmed. Does anyone know a way round this? I tried filming off my mobile tonight, but it looked shocking compared to the HD cam, I've been spoilt.